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Experts say we need between six and nine hours of blessed beauty sleep every night. But with our frenzied way of life, how possible is this? Vogue advises you how to maximize your sleeping time for the weekend just before clocks are moved one hour backward - from falling asleep at any time, through the secrets of good sleep, and the miraculous power of napping.
For many people, falling asleep is the hard part in the first place. When your head is full of thoughts, ideas, and lists of mental tasks, you may find it hard to turn off and relax, so try to keep the following rituals before going to bed.
Listen to music – Choose that style or artist that will help you rest and relax.
No screens - a 2015 study, organized by a large telecom company and considering the effects of using mobile phone before sleep, found that more than half of Britons regularly stay up late with connected devices to watch videos or check emails. "Using the device right before going to bed or when you wake up at night can even worsen your restless sleep caused by work-related stress," comments Professor John Grogger, Director of research at the Department of Psychology, University of Hull, as part of the study. Turn off your smart devices or place them in a remote location at least an hour before falling asleep.
Take a bath / shower - the warm bath helps your body reach a temperature ideal for relaxation, being a relaxing factor on its own.
Forget the caffeine in the afternoon – try to substitute your afternoon cup of coffee with a cup of tea. If you manage to turn this into a pleasant and relaxing ritual your body will thank you in many ways.
Create your own shelter - for many people, interrupted sleep is the result of external factors such as light, discomfort and noise. Pamper yourself with a comfortable mattress and a comfortable blanket of natural fabric - let it be the next big investment that will pay off for a long time.
Set the ideal temperature for you - Vogue says the ideal temperature in the bedroom should be between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. So, if you feel it's difficult to get the perfect temperature, trust our advice on the right choice of bedding. And do you really need an excuse to invest in some great new blankets?
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